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Hospitality Rising launches recruitment campaign

Published:  18 November, 2021

Hospitality Rising, a collaborative movement dedicated to increasing recruitment levels in the industry, is aiming to raise £5m by running “the biggest hospitality recruitment advertising campaign the world has ever seen”.


Industry welcomes NHS Covid-19 app changes to ease ‘pingdemic’

Published:  03 August, 2021

Trade associations have welcomed news that the Government is to update the NHS Covid-19 app to reduce the numbers of people being forced to self-isolate.


PM confirms reopening of hospitality from 17 May

Published:  10 May, 2021

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed that hospitality venues will be able to open for indoor trading from 17 May, as part of the next stage of restrictions being lifted.


The cost of lockdown 2.0 in numbers

Published:  04 November, 2020

There’s no escaping the imminent impact of lockdown 2.0 on on-trade Christmas sales, even if we go back to the tiered system in December.